Tuesday, July 7, 2009

another attempt

I stand there,
Not sure
Whether to move
Or accept the loss
I shift away from the wall,
Ready to blend,
But I’m shoved away
I ponder,
Whether to retrieve,
to the spot of comfort,
Or to struggle on.
Along the wall,
I crawl forward
Not sure,,
Whether I’ll be welcome or not
I draw courage,
Wall, a comfort
I move,
Ready to face
But hands,
Thrust me back,
To the mark where I belonged
And I,
I don’t protest,
I give in
I stand there,
Wanting an escape,
Thinking of a way
and I hear the familiar sound,
knew what it meant.
I turn back,
Swept away,
Finally, retrieve
I accept the defeat
There is always another day,
I mused
But I know,
I couldn't do it
I know,
It is,
A hopeless attempt


  1. a motivational poem,... but u know tragedy of life is not reaching the stars but not having stars to reach for..
    One should remember that attempt is never hopeless...

    hope to read some more like this..

  2. well writtin., it sinks in.... got a lot f meaning.... n it starts with a lot of ideas .. n boils down to one.. which is kinda nice.. kudos!!

  3. hopelessness embedded beautifully at the end...and as prakhar rightly said about the tragedy of life...kinda liked it...good first one!! :D
